Global & Domestic Sourcing, Shipping, Warehousing, & Logistics

Please consider using Patriot as your supply chain professional to help manage your Global and Domestic Sourcing and Logistics. Patriot is uniquely qualified to handle metal manufacturing, finishing, kitting, and minor repairs as well as holding an inventory for unexpected surges in demand.

Patriot maintains warehouse facilities on site to support adequate buffer inventory to assure "on time" delivery of critical parts for Small and Medium size production requirements.

Our experienced management team can help select the "Best Value" global supplier and carrier then develop "Pull Strategy" delivery programs with terminal efficiency.

With buffer inventory Patriot can support your production lines with large to small part geometries in a day specific window from anywhere in the world.

Capabilities include:

  • Over 45K square foot warehouse
  • Dedicated shipping docks
  • Dry, Secure, & Insured facilities
  • Multi domestic and global supplier alliances
  • Multi domestic and global carrier alliances
  • Oversight of Cost Reduction Initiatives
  • Professional supply chain management team